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Enhance your learning by reading a text in Spanish to practice this week's lesson. We provide translations for challenging words and the full text in English.

Imaginemos un mundo donde todo fuera posible con solo desearlo. Yo viajaría a los rincones más recónditos del planeta, descubriendo culturas que pocos han tenido el privilegio de conocer.

Tú aprenderías idiomas con la facilidad con que se respira, convirtiéndote en un políglota capaz de entablar conversaciones en cualquier rincón del mundo. Nosotros construiríamos puentes de entendimiento y compasión, uniendo a las personas más allá de sus diferencias. Si tuviera la oportunidad, crearía un espacio donde todos pudieran expresarse libremente, sin temor a ser juzgados.

En este lugar imaginario, tú desarrollarías tu potencial al máximo, explorando todas las pasiones que habitan en tu interior. Ella cantaría con una voz que tocaría el alma de quienes la escuchan, transportándolos a un mundo de armonía y paz. Él pintaría paisajes tan vivos que uno podría jurar que están respirando. Juntos, lucharíamos por un futuro donde el amor y la esperanza sean la base de todo.

Si pudiera, cambiaría el mundo con un gesto, sembrando la semilla de la bondad en el corazón de cada persona. Y así, paso a paso, crearíamos un paraíso en la Tierra, donde el condicional no limitara nuestros sueños, sino que los impulsara hacia la realidad.

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Let's imagine a world where everything was possible just by wishing it. I would travel to the most remote corners of the planet, discovering cultures that few have had the privilege to know. You would learn languages as easily as one breathes, becoming a polyglot capable of striking up conversations in any corner of the world. We would build bridges of understanding and compassion, uniting people beyond their differences. If I had the chance, I would create a space where everyone could express themselves freely, without fear of being judged. In this imaginary place, you would develop your potential to the fullest, exploring all the passions that dwell within you. She would sing with a voice that would touch the souls of those who listen, transporting them to a world of harmony and peace. He would paint landscapes so vivid one could swear they are breathing. Together, we would fight for a future where love and hope are the foundation of everything. If I could, I would change the world with a gesture, planting the seed of kindness in the heart of each person. And thus, step by step, we would create a paradise on Earth, where the conditional wouldn't limit our dreams, but rather propel them into reality.

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Recónditos = Remote

Políglota = Polyglot

Entablar = To establish

Compasión = Compassion

Potencial = Potential

Juzgados = Judged

Transportándolos = Transporting them

Armonía = Harmony

Sembrando = Sowing

Impulsara = Would drive