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~ How to ask Questions in Spanish ~





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Enhance your learning by reading a text in Spanish to practice this week's lesson. We provide translations for challenging words and the full text in English.

Cuando éramos niños, siempre nos preguntábamos qué íbamos a hacer cada día. ¿Dónde íbamos a jugar? ¿Con quién estábamos más tiempo? A veces, no sabíamos cómo íbamos a pasar el día, pero siempre estábamos felices de estar juntos. Recuerdo que los sábados siempre jugábamos en el parque y corríamos por todas partes. ¿Por qué nos gustaba tanto ese parque? No lo sé, pero siempre había algo divertido que hacer allí.

Cuando nos cansábamos, íbamos a la casa de mi abuela. ¿Cómo podíamos comer tanto? Mi abuela cocinaba los mejores pasteles y nosotros comíamos hasta que no podíamos más. ¿Qué tipo de pasteles hacía ella? Siempre preparaba los más dulces. Recuerdo esos días con mucho cariño.

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When we were children, we always wondered what we were going to do each day. Where were we going to play? With whom were we spending most of our time? Sometimes, we didn't know how we were going to spend the day, but we were always happy to be together. I remember that on Saturdays we always played in the park and ran everywhere. Why did we like that park so much? I don't know, but there was always something fun to do there. When we got tired, we went to my grandmother's house. How could we eat so much? My grandmother cooked the best cakes, and we ate until we couldn't eat anymore. What kind of cakes did she make? She always prepared the sweetest ones. I remember those days with much affection.

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éramos = we were

a veces = sometimes

sabíamos = we knew

corríamos = we ran

gustaba = liked

cocinaba = cooked

comíamos = we ate

preparaba = prepared

recordar = to remember

cariño = affection